Chronic Fatigue and Anxiety Success Using Mickel Therapy

Another Resolution of Chronic Fatigue (CFS) and Anxiety via Mickel Therapy

I am very pleased that another client has experienced a complete recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), anxiety and panic attacks.

And, this was another client who I worked remotely with – entirely over the phone as Skype was not accessible for him. So, I have never met, nor seen him. Thus providing further Mickel Therapy works extremely effectively via this method as well as in person.

I will let his testimonial (below – which is a hybrid of two emails Joel sent me) do the talking. I’ve also included a photo he sent me and was accompanied with this text; “Check this out mate…..never would’ve done this without you and Mickel”.

Joel did all of the work. It is a privilege to guide any client through such a process. And very humbling to witness their recovery.

It constantly reminds me of the incredible power of the human body to heal itself when provided with the right environment or circumstances that allow it to function harmoniously in the way it is built to. When we understand this incredible healing capacity of our bodies, it becomes clear that the narrow focused and short sighted pill popping approach of the pharmaceutical industry and much of the natural medicine industry is very often fruitless and frequently more damaging to long term health.

Time for me to get off my soap box. This is about Joel’s success story. Below are his words:

“Hi Tim.  I am so bloody happy……as I’ve had a fantastic 3 weeks since we last spoke.

There’s been so much happen but overall, with the exception of one day, the 3 weeks have been amazing. I’ve been tested in a lot of ways and in ways that I haven’t ever been tested before. I’m still full of energy, motivated and have a desire for life again. More importantly to do things rather than think about them. I’m confident that I now have the tools to deal with situations that arise thanks to you and Mickel. Self fulfillment, balancing my days every day and communicating my needs in a way that isn’t confronting for the other person are my keys to energy. 

I’m also confident that knowing that long term comfort requires regular short term discomfort will help me going forward. I see this as a real winner for me and the next step towards being able to make relationships on all levels really work for me.

I’ve changed the way that I write my notes. I do them in the morning now. As soon as I can really. I do this because I find that it helps me address anything that is happening in my head and to make plans to deal with it. Often just writing about what’s going on in my head is enough. A little pep talk reminding me of what I need to DO during the day really helps me get the day off and running. I also make my bed to accomplish a task first thing as well as meditate when I can and drink my favourite Yerba Mate tea. Generally I’m bouncing into work and remain that way all day. I have flat spots that’s for sure but they are overcome pretty well by actually doing something on my list.

Work has been really tough for others the last 3 weeks since we’ve had our new program manager start. A couple of people have commented that I’m the only one keeping my shit together and therefore the team. Thanks to Mickel that is!

The skydiving was such an amazing experience…… Find the scariest thing you could possibly imagine and do it. It really is life changing. So much so that I’m going to do it again. If you ever need another Mickel therapist I’m prepared to do the training. What I’d really love to add in to the program is a skydive towards the end of the process. If I enjoy the next jump I’m seriously considering looking into what training I can do. To be able to help people overcome their fears in such a way would be a brilliant way to be in business!

Whilst I’m confident that I have the tools to communicate effectively as well as deal with any emotional situations that arise there’s this thing around vulnerability and the actual depth of relationships with people that I know I struggle with. I know now anyway. Choosing courage over comfort and protecting yourself from shame and ridicule etc is really hiding who you are, are two things that have really resonated with me recently.

None of this would’ve been possible without you. There was definitely a reason for me sending you the original email as well as detailing some of the things I had endured previously.

I now have the responsibility to myself to keep this going and to further improve.

I’m a changed man.

Reflecting back on what was and what is now. I know now that I have a platform to base optimal exploration from. Zero point.

So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”