
Tim provides a range of services to support you on a path to improved vitality. Appointments online, or in person in Torquay at Happy Spaces, Level 1, 4-6 Gilbert St. Torquay 3228. Contact Tim to book.

Chronic Illness Resolutions

Chronic Fatigue, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Post Viral Fatigue, Anxiety, IBS/Gut Complaints & More

Respiratory Therapy

One-on-one, online, or group courses available for Tim's breathing retraining guidance.

Mickel Therapy

A mind-body approach aimed at restoring balance between emotions and the body's energy systems to ease physical symptoms.


A focus on natural remedies, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustments to promote overall wellness.


Personalized guidance on dietary choices, tailored to improve health, energy, and overall well-being.


Personalised support for fasting to enhance wellness, slow aging, treat illnesses, and boost disease resistance.


Breathing is the most central yet overlooked bodily function that can significantly affect wellbeing, vitality, and performance. Our Breathing Dynamics online courses cover specialised breathing techniques to address a range of general and specific heath issues.

Breathing Dynamics for Anxiety
Asthma | Breathing Dynamics
Breathing Dynamics | Sporting Performance
Breathing Dynamics for Sleep Apnea

Want to learn a simple breathing rhythm?

Sign up for our value-packed (but occasional) newsletter and get access to two exclusive video tutorials that outline a simple breathing rhythm that simulates natural breathing. It's a great way to get started with breathing dynamics and discover just how beneficial correct breathing can be!

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Tim Altman’s Approach

evolutionary medicine

Evolutionary Medicine

Registered naturopath, Tim’s approach to health and performance is heavily influenced by this pioneering scientific and medical approach which explores the mismatch between the culture, or lifestyle we have created, and the bodies we have inherited from our hunter gatherer ancestors. That is, the world our bodies adapted to from an evolutionary perspective.
Put simply, our body’s still think we are hunter gatherers wandering the bush, so they function as if this were the case. Yet it is now far from the case. As a result, we get sick or underperform because our bodies do what they’re ‘built for’, or what they evolved to do, in an environment they have not adapted to.

About Tim


Tim’s professional work as a health practitioner has resulted from a personal journey and passion of over 25 years targeted initially at recovering from chronic, debilitating illness, and then exploring health and performance at optimal levels.

The investigation began in earnest after Tim developed chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) in the late 1980’s, when very little was known about this condition, and it was only recognised by very few, more enlightened, medical professionals.

Following a long process of investigation, and courtesy of the help of some wonderful natural medicine practitioners, Tim returned to full health in the mid 1990’s.

From the inspiration of one practitioner in particular, and the discovery that the human body has the capacity for recovery and health far beyond what most health practitioner, let alone the general public, would imagine, Tim returned to university to study natural medicine (having previously completed a Bachelor of Science majoring in psychology) with the aim of helping people suffering from the same condition, and other chronic illnesses.

This process of investigation of optimal health and performance, and techniques to aid in recovery from chronic illness has continued for the last 15-20 years since Tim has been working as a health professional, and has seen him adopt a variety of modalities and technique that have allowed him to continually find better or more effective and potent ways of bringing about greater and more complete outcomes in clients – be they recovering from chronic illness, losing weight, boosting the immune system or energy levels, or exploring optimal health or performance.

The underlying understanding behind this approach has been Tim’s personal experience that the body has an incredible capacity to heal itself or perform at surprising levels if we provide it the right environment and circumstances. The subsequent witnessing of this capacity in multiple clients over the years has reinforced this belief.

As such, Tim’s clinical approach is very thorough and investigates many aspects of a client’s health and lifestyle comparing how they are carried out in each individual with how these aspects should be carried out optimally – based on understandings made available by research into areas such as anthropology, genetics and evolutionary biology to name a few. The objective being to attempt to match a clients’ habits with optimal as efficiently as possible.

Tim has also had a lifelong relationship with water and the ocean, which has seen surf since he was a child and paddle and coach competitively on surfskis and kayaks at national and international levels for over 35 years. He has also had a strong interest in yoga and meditation since his late teens.



Tim's Story

Other Services

Genomic (or Genetic) Profiling
Scientifically find your body’s unique genetic strengths and weaknesses
Bio-Impedance Testing
Detailed measuring of body composition
One on One Consultation in Clinic
Torquay, Victoria
Breathing biofeedback adapted from use in hospital
Online, Skype or Phone Consultations
For clients around Australia or overseas
Rather than prescribing lots of expensive remedies, my approach is far more process oriented and thorough. I take the time with clients to identify the underlying cause leading to symptoms around the body and, as such, results are more complete and long term.

Client Testimonials

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Tim shares his wealth of knowledge and the latest research findings.

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