This is a multi-faceted breath training course that will help you gain an edge in your sporting performance.
Created by Tim Altman
- Why breath training has been described as ‘the last unchartered frontier of sporting performance’.
- The science of breathing and how efficient breathing can offer significant benefits for sporting performance and general health & wellbeing.
- Research is starting to grow on the benefits of breath training for both recovery and sporting performance.
- Yet most of us breathe nowhere near as efficiently as we should – we over breathe.
- This dysfunctional, or over-breathing leads us to perform this vital function nowhere near as efficiently as we should, or to what is considered ideal, which limits our performance.
- By retraining breathing to correct or ideal levels, we can make our breathing far more efficient within weeks.
- How to use more of your lung volume for gas exchange to improve respiratory efficiency.
- Efficient or ideal breathing will improve energy levels, and delay the onset of lactic acid.
- How you can speed up recovery between efforts.
- How you can lower your heart rate for the same amount of physical exertion.
- How to perform at high intensity with far greater relaxation, and access ‘zone’ states more consistently.
- Simple, and easy to learn breathing techniques and rhythms that will improve day to day breathing.
- Dynamic diaphragmatic breathing exercises combined with breath holds which will allow you to breathe more efficiently in your sport or activity much more quickly.
- Sports specific exercises to help you incorporate these techniques into your sport to gain an extra edge in performance.
- Ongoing practices to maintain these benefits.
A desire to take control of your frontiers in your performance that are completely natural and can be maintained long term.
The intention of this workshop, and its teachers and producers, is to offer information of a general and educational nature to help you in your quest for physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. While many of our products contribute to wellness, they are not intended to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. All warranties whether express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed.