The Role of the Diaphragm Extends Far Beyond Breathing

Article: Anatomic connections of the diaphragm: influence of respiration on the body system.

The article linked at the bottom of this blog, by Bruno Bordoni and Emiliano Zanier from the Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, outlines the multiple roles the diaphragm plays in addition to being the primary breathing muscle.

It is quite technical, so if you enjoy that, then jump on. However, I’ve included the conclusion here, which summarises things quite simply.

“The diaphragm muscle not only plays a role in respiration but also has many roles affecting the health of the body. It is important for posture, for proper organ function, and for the pelvis and floor of the mouth. It is important for the cervical spine and trigeminal system, as well as for the thoracic outlet. It is also of vital importance in the vascular and lymphatic systems. The diaphragm muscle should not be seen as a segment but as part of a body system. To arrive at correct therapeutic strategies, we must see the whole and all the links highlighted in this paper. In presenting this review, we hope to have made a small contribution towards perceiving the patient as a whole and to have spurred new thinking.”

It is clear that breathing plays a role far greater than just sucking in air for energy!! And this goes a long way to explaining why breathing retraining works so potently in treatment of a vast range of ailments, including; asthma and difficulty breathing; chest tightness; anxiety and depression, IBS, reflux and other gastro-intestinal disturbances; headaches and migraines; fatigue; hypertension and high BP; poor peripheral circulation; sinusitis; dental issues and many more.