We offer several different options for juice fasting including:
- 2 week fasts
- 10 day fasts
- 1 week fasts
- 3 day fasts
- 1 day fasts per week or fortnight.
We can also tailor a fast to suit your condition, requirements and lifestyle.
All details of these fasts can be obtained upon application. Simply email me or call me for an in person or on line consultation. For online consultations these can be conducted via email or Skype.
For both options I will regularly monitor your progress whilst on the fast.
Information and support given will include:
- The procedure for the lead into the fast.
- Exact details of the daily schedule during the fast.
- Details of all juices to be consumed during the fast.
- Details and frequency of all enemas required. NB: I do not offer fasts that skip the enema process.
- Details of herbal teas and supplements that may be necessary during the fast.
- A detailed dietary program for the entire duration of the re-introduction to food phase of the fast (generally double the time the fast took).
- Details and procedure of any supporting modalities used during the fast; i.e. liver cleansing, saunas, exercise etc.
For fasts supported by me in person I offer weekly (or more frequently if necessary) Bio-Impedence analysis for the entire duration of the fast and re-introduction to food (or breaking the fast) process. This will monitor and provide reports on:
- Body composition changes including muscle mass and fat mass.
- Changes in hydration status and cellular fluid balance (which will give indications of any inflammation, toxicity or when the body is dumping wastes rapidly).
- Cellular health indicators including cell quality and metabolic efficiency (ability to produce energy).
- Anti-ageing indicators including biological age.
Despite many initial fears (of both not eating and the enema process!! – which are both totally normal), my experience has told me that you will find your fasting process to be thoroughly enjoyable and in many cases, completely life changing. You will experience a surge in energy levels, clarity, creativity and purpose in life, as well as developing a new outlook on your relationship to food and control of impulses.
You will develop a much deeper respect for your body and realise that you have access to levels of health and vitality that you had never experienced or realized were possible previously.
Read further information on Fasting Programs Offered and Symptoms Experienced During Fasting or phone naturopath Tim Altman on 0425 739 918.